Monday, January 28, 2008

If I ever voiced my inner-most thoughts, I'd be in prison right now.

As humans, we are taught to be polite and kind, and to never hurt someone because of that pesky "Golden Rule" that you are told about in Kindergarten. As a result, as humans grow they learn, or attempt to learn, the practice of not voicing your inner most thoughts in front of other people at the risk of hurting feelings. It's always about feelings with us... I love feelings, to be sure. But I don't like being reminded that the people I hate have feelings too. So we're at this difficult age of young adulthood and we've been taught to successfully "bottle and push", bottle our feelings and push them aside. Is this healthy? Perhaps not, but we have seen what the physical expression of inner anger can do in our society by the wars that have broken out betwixt enemies.
Today, I have decided, I am going to break the mold for just one moment and get some of my inner-most feelings out there. Without this knowledge and this look into my black soul, I would never be able to figure myself out and change what parts of me may be hurtful in the long run, right? So I've compiled a list of things that I've noticed just today about my inner-most feelings and how dangerous they really are:

I'm an angry person....really, very angry; in the sense that if given a weapon of choice and the person with whom I'm angry at (in a life without consequences) I'd probably go for the gold. However in this life there are consequences and I'm not the kind of person to hurt someone intentionally just because my anger has gotten the better of me. No! Remember the part where I bottle things up just like the rest of you? During the course of the day I took an internal survey as to what angered me the most throughout the day: survey says..... people! People, and then a close second is generally annoying sounds and third would be service people. But essentially people.

Some of the traits in people that make me the most angry:
blatant disregard for the feelings of others/impoliteness

Okay.. most of these feelings, I have noticed have the ability to be adjusted by the person who is displaying the particular trait. If up to me, I would beat them senseless until those traits were rectified and then, and only then, would I let them breathe the same air as me.

This all makes me look like I hate people, but I really don't. What I hate is the fact that people are born into the world of choice and chance: but much more choice than chance. The kinds of choices that are the easiest to make are usually the ones that people completely ignore...WHY!?!? Because they are either soulless or too lazy to do so. For instance, doing something nice for someone every day is not only good for you, but it can make that persons day. Every day, and this is true, I make sure to say something nice or do something for someone that I don't really know that well because afterwards when I walk away from that situation I feel 40% better about the day. This takes literally little to no effort on my part to say something like, "Have a great night!" to the girl at the counter, or to do something for someone, like clean something of theirs and not say anything.
It makes me beyond angry when I look around and realize that people actually believe themselves to be above this kind of reciprocal treatment. It could be the parents fault, it could be the person themselves' fault - whoevers' fault it is, the treatment is the easiest thing in the world and yet people hate to be told what to do or how to act; so we go on forever and ever living at the mercy of the dispassionate majority. Wonderful.

I'd like to just point something out about my resentment and how I don't think it's adding to the problem that I rant about.. my resentment is not based on ignorance. Actually, quite the opposite. I make it my duty to read and observe and learn about those around me who I respect and love and even those people who I don't even know. I'm pro-kindness and pro-consideration and my resentment and anger is based of the fact that I don't see those traits in the people around me. Does that make me a bitter individual? Perhaps... But I would rather preach on and continue to be angry in order to turn a couple ears instead of living like a sheep among the masses of ridiculous people that I observe every day.... sheep. all of the them.

I think it's important that we think and visualize this thought for a moment... so here's a picture of some sheep:

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