<--- Me during Stats and Research this morning. I'd just like to point out that it has nothing to do with the Professor being boring, oh no, Sir. There are no windows in the downstairs lecture hall that I shall now dub "Sleepy Time Room". I got a good 9 hours of sleep last night which is usually impossible for me and still I am terribly sleepy. In my defense, I was sitting in the back where there is the most light and I was kicking the chair in front of me to keep myself awake and yet I still succumbed to the lead weight of my eyelids and drifted off to my happy place. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure I was the most attentive student in the hall. This is why I TAKE Adderall! So I can slow down a little bit and not be intrigued by the squirrels passing by or the shiny watch on my fellow students' wrist. But alas, there is no magic pill to make Laura immune to the allures of sleeping. Every single time I wake up my first thought is that I really can't wait to do that all over again. If my life consisted of nothing but long hours of sleeping followed by 2 hours of doing whatever I wanted - I think I would be pretty consistently happy. Think about it? You would never be tired, there goes one problem. You would be extremely productive during those 2 daylight hours, and you would basically be the happiest person on earth. Whenever someone tells me that they dont' really sleep a lot I resist the urge to roundhouse kick them. What do you mean you don't sleep? I'm sorry - is your body not made with the same exact organs that the rest of ours are? Are you somehow DIFFERENT in that your brain CAN function without any sleep? Or are you a liar? A dirty, dirty liar.

Let's take a few moments to discuss something that I decided this morning should be a law punishable by public whippings. No girl...I repeat, NO GIRL... should be allow to wear LEGGINGS/TIGHTS as a substitute for good ole pantaloons. This means.. you cannot wear your ugg boots, your grey leggings and lack of underwear... with a short long sleeve sweater... leaving very little room for imagination. We know you are not wearing underwear.. we understand that. I don't want to see your spandex wearing ass in front of me while your walking because of two reasons:
1. It's fucking FREEZING outside.. you have no nerve endings if you are not numb, get that checked out.
2. It's just one half step away from wearing a complete GS suit/spandex/onesy outside for everyday clothing. And I can't handle that. Why do the rest of us have to see every single part of your body covered only by a light dusting of cloth when we are walking to class? If you're doing it to attract men, then go, on your own time, to a bar completely naked. You'll have all the guys you've ever wanted in your entire life.
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